Tuesday, January 17, 2012

She's Growing Up Too Fast

I know I’ve been MIA for the past couple months or so but I’mmm baaack! Little Miss Charle will be 6 months this Saturday. 6 MONTHS!!!! Wow, I’m in disbelief. She is my crowned jewel, my most prized possession and what Charle wants, Charle gets.  In the past I have always frowned upon parents who spoiled their kids but I must admit that I have become one of them.  I have stopped the sleeping my bed issue; it wasn’t that hard to break actually.

Charle is growing up too fast. I know every parent says that about his or her children and it is such a cliché but it is without a doubt true.  Charle figured out how to roll over completely on Thanksgiving.  She was amazed at the fact she could now get away from me while I tried to dress her and put diapers back on her.  She is too much like me in the fact that she hates clothes and SOCKS.  The novelty has worn off and it has become a little bit easier to dress her again, now she just screams at me and I prefer that to rolling.   The week after Thanksgiving, Charle found her feet and ever since then, feeding time has become let’s make Charle’s socks as nasty as possible time.  The very next week, Charle learned how to laugh and hold her bottle.  This morning Charle and I sat and laughed at each other for a good fifteen minutes.  I wouldn’t trade anything for those moments with her.  I also finally figured out where she got this squeal noise that she makes from.  When I’m playing with her and I say, “Yeah” I make a squeal noise on the “ah” part.  She was mimicking me after every time that I did it this morning and then we would giggle about it until she would squeal again. 

Thinking back to three months ago, Charle couldn’t and wouldn’t do much but cry and scream at me all the time.  Now she plays and is discovering all sorts of new things.  She figured out how to put her paci back in her mouth finally (THANK YOU JESUS!)  I have been waiting for this moment for a long time now.  She only gets mad in the car now when she loses it or is just annoyed about being in her seat.  Charle is working on crawling now and I’m secretly sabotaging it by holding her more and putting her in her bouncy chair so that I can have a little more time before I have to chase her around the house and Church.  I’m not one of those moms that will get offended if my child isn’t walking by one… now if she isn’t walking by two, I’ll be concerned.

The only thing that Charle is behind developmentally is her growth and weight gain.  She has only gained 3.5 lbs since birth and this stumps her Dr. She gained 10oz in the past 3 weeks but he told me this morning that he’s not happy with that and it needs to be more.  Her Cardiologist told me last Thursday that I will be seeing the inside of Dr. offices a lot for the next couple months until they figure out what is going on.  Malabsorption was ruled out this morning, Praise Jesus, because her bowel movements are not complete liquid.  Also it has been ruled out that her heart could be causing this.  Now they are looking to see if she is getting enough calories from my milk and that is why they want me to eat 1000 more calories a day instead of just 500 like most nursing mothers.  I know my child eats and eats so part of me isn’t too concerned about her weight.  I feel that all babies grow at their own pace and there have been some small babies in my family that grew up to be just as normal and healthy as every one else.

Hopefully I will start keeping up with this thing again.  Here are some precious pictures of Charle from the past couple of months:
3 months old

4 months old

5 months old