I thought this week was going to be uneventful but it ended up being just the opposite. I've made it to 36 weeks and that means now I get to go to the doctor EVERY week. This week the Dr. checked me and said my cervix had thinned out immensely which is a good thing I guess and he said she's still being a good girl and keeping her head down. I also noticed that she "dropped" early this week and now my belly looks like it doubled in size from last week because of this. Charle is still one active baby; she likes to push her butt up into my right rib cage and then kick her feet out of my left side and sometimes she does it so hard that it truly hurts. I know I've said this about a million times but I'm ready for her to just be here so I can hold her and secretly I'm really sick of being fat.
On Wednesday Kerri and I celebrated that she never has to write another English paper again!! I told her I'm such a nerd that I actually miss writing English papers and I was really good at it too (you probably can't tell by my blog with all the grammatical and sentence structure errors.) We swam at her house for about an hour and a half and didn't get sunburt! I got a lot of freckles from it and it made me really excited. We watch 'Sweet Home Alabaam' and she made her 'perfect' boiled peanuts (they are perfect because she is perfect- says her. lol) It was nice just to relax and have a redhead day before little one is born.
Yesterday was a big day... I GOT TO GO TO THE BEACH!!!!!! I haven't been to the beach since April of last year. My soon to be ex husband didn't allow me to go to the beach last summer. I was raised loving the beach and it is one of the most relaxing places for me to go. I love the waves, the sand, the hot hot sun, and the salty smell, oh and the seashells of course; I always have to get some while I'm there even though I have a million at home that are just collecting dust. I asked the Dr. if I could go to the beach this week when I went to see him and he said that this was my last week that he would allow me to travel so that I should enjoy it and trust me, I enjoyed it! I did call yesterday morning to check if I could still go because I have been spotting all week since I saw him and he told me to stop worrying but if I went into labor to get my little butt back here asap (Thank God that didn't happen.) We planned this trip two weeks ago because I've been craving Atlanta Bread Company's loafs of soup and I wanted to have some before I have Charle because I won't allow myself to consume that much food after I have her. Well that didn't work out, they didn't have any sourdough loafs or sourdough for sandwiches which bummed me out but I still had a good lunch there. Then we went to Once Upon A Child and I sold them some clothes that I know I won't put Charle in. I love that store; they had polo dresses for $5 and they had a whole clearance section outside 50% but it was too hot to go and browse so I decided that I wouldn't buy anything this trip... it's not like she really needs anything right now. We only spent about an hour at the beach because my sister actually hates the beach and an hour was our compromise. Her husband sat on the blanket the whole time and guarded our stuff because he didn't want to get in the water while Sarah and I sat at the edge of the water and dug for seashells the whole time. We put lots and lots of sun screen on but I still got just a hint of pink but it doesn't hurt so I'm not complaining because I got some color!! After the beach, we went to Barefoot landing and ate dinner. We were headed home right after because it was storming but it took us forever because we had to stop to get Tyler some Dairy Queen. DQ has gotten WAY too expensive so Sarah and I had Rolo McFlurrys instead and I thought it was just as good and we got more and two for about the same price as Tyler's Small Blizzard. We finally got home sometime after nine last night and I was exhausted but supper happy that we had a good day. This morning I slept in later than I have been able to in a long time, I was still wiped out from yesterday. Yesterday was definitely the best day of summer so far (the only thing that will top it is the day Charle is born.)
Here are some pictures from the beach
I have an outie now..
I had too many shells and I needed to bag them