My Charle bug and I have had some interesting past couple of days. Yesterday we had a very special visitor.. I've been waiting on this person to get his stuff together and come visit for a very long time. I'm not going to post who it is, those of you know know who it is.. don't fuss at me (no it's not my soon to be ex husband.) I promised him that I wouldn't post the picture of him holding Charleston on Facebook but I didn't say anything about my blog.. sneaky sneaky ;)
So here he is
He was petrified of her the entire time. Most guys are scared of babies though.. I'm more fragile than she is so I don't get it. She was mesmerized by him the entire time he held her (I guess she thinks he looks funny.) I was secretly super excited that he came over and sad when he left but I tried not to act like it because of our circumstances.
Moving on.. Today my sister came over and helped me with my sanity by keeping Charle calm. I let her feed her and take care of her while I had some time to just breathe and not worry about every little thing. We ended up going to Cracker Barrel for lunch and stayed for two hours. I honestly enjoy spending more time with my sister now that we don't live together and the fact that I don't get out much or see anyone except at church. I told her today that I am surprised at how well she does with Charle and she takes care of her better than I thought she would. I'm just so stinkin' proud of her.
Here are some pictures from today
I had to get a picture of one her her tantrums!