Friday, June 24, 2011

Great Week

I thought this week was going to be uneventful but it ended up being just the opposite.  I've made it to 36 weeks and that means now I get to go to the doctor EVERY week.  This week the Dr. checked me and said my cervix had thinned out immensely which is a good thing I guess and he said she's still being a good girl and keeping her head down.  I also noticed that she "dropped" early this week and now my belly looks like it doubled in size from last week because of this. Charle is still one active baby; she likes to push her butt up into my right rib cage and then kick her feet out of my left side and sometimes she does it so hard that it truly hurts.  I know I've said this about a million times but I'm ready for her to just be here so I can hold her and secretly I'm really sick of being fat.
On Wednesday Kerri and I celebrated that she never has to write another English paper again!! I told her I'm such a nerd that I actually miss writing English papers and I was really good at it too (you probably can't tell by my blog with all the grammatical and sentence structure errors.)  We swam at her house for about an hour and a half and didn't get sunburt! I got a lot of freckles from it and it made me really excited.   We watch 'Sweet Home Alabaam' and she made her 'perfect' boiled peanuts (they are perfect because she is perfect- says her. lol)  It was nice just to relax and have a redhead day before little one is born.
Yesterday was a big day... I GOT TO GO TO THE BEACH!!!!!! I haven't been to the beach since April of last year.  My soon to be ex husband didn't allow me to go to the beach last summer.  I was raised loving the beach and it is one of the most relaxing places for me to go.  I love the waves, the sand, the hot hot sun, and the salty smell, oh and the seashells of course; I always have to get some while I'm there even though I have a million at home that are just collecting dust.  I asked the Dr. if I could go to the beach this week when I went to see him and he said that this was my last week that he would allow me to travel so that I should enjoy it and trust me, I enjoyed it!  I did call yesterday morning to check if I could still go because I have been spotting all week since I saw him and he told me to stop worrying but if I went into labor to get my little butt back here asap (Thank God that didn't happen.)  We planned this trip two weeks ago because I've been craving Atlanta Bread Company's loafs of soup and I wanted  to have some before I have Charle because I won't allow myself to consume that much food after I have her.  Well that didn't work out, they didn't have any sourdough loafs or sourdough for sandwiches which bummed me out but I still had a good lunch there.  Then we went to Once Upon A Child and I sold them some clothes that I know I won't put Charle in.  I love that store; they had polo dresses for $5 and they had a whole clearance section outside 50% but it was too hot to go and browse so I decided that I wouldn't buy anything this trip... it's not like she really needs anything right now.  We only spent about an hour at the beach because my sister actually hates the beach and an hour was our compromise.  Her husband sat on the blanket the whole time and guarded our stuff because he didn't want to get in the water while Sarah and I sat at the edge of the water and dug for seashells the whole time.  We put lots and lots of sun screen on but I still got just a hint of pink but it doesn't hurt so I'm not complaining because I got some color!!  After the beach, we went to Barefoot landing and ate dinner.  We were headed home right after because it was storming but it took us forever because we had to stop to get Tyler some Dairy Queen.  DQ has gotten WAY too expensive so Sarah and I had Rolo McFlurrys instead and I thought it was just as good and we got more and two for about the same price as Tyler's Small Blizzard.  We finally got home sometime after nine last night and I was exhausted but supper happy that we had a good day.  This morning I slept in later than I have been able to in a long time, I was still wiped out from yesterday.  Yesterday was definitely the best day of summer so far (the only thing that will top it is the day Charle is born.)
Here are some pictures from the beach

 I have an outie now..

 I had too many shells and I needed to bag them

Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 36

I have now been confined to staying in air conditioning at all time.  The heat index today is supposed to be in the 100s and by 8am tomorrow it will be in the 100s (Welcome to South Carolina!)  I love the heat but not so much while I'm 36 weeks pregnant. Isabelle, my dog, and I are allowed to go outside long enough for her to do her business and then we are both to come right back in.. I'm pretty sure this is how the next four weeks will be.  So I'm stuck inside and I can't hang out in my room much because for some reason, my room is the hot room in the house and is always about 10 degrees higher or more than the rest of the house in the summer.  Laying on the couch is pretty much what I get to do today (oh joy.) 
The cute thing is though that every time I go to a new room, Isabelle follows me and lays on the floor until I go to another room and then the same thing again.  She's gotten way over protective of me since my husband left and I'm nervous that she will be the same with Charle.  I don't want her to start getting so protective to the point that she gets mean.  She never growls or barks at anything unless she thinks there is danger but recently, she growls and barks at anyone who walks by our house.  She's not a big fan of guests anymore unless she's previously met them.  When the Time Warner guy came out to mess with our Internet, I locked her in my mom's room and she put her head through the cat door and growled at him the entire time he was here.  I reassure her constantly that mommy is ok, Isabelle is ok, and Charle is ok; she normally stops once I start talking to her and put my hand on her face.  I guess that is a wait and see thing that we will find out once we bring Charle home from the hospital. 
Today is going to be pretty boring. My sister was supposed to come over to help me organize Charle's clothes but she decided to go to the beach instead.... her husband has a job interview but I'm still just being a sour butt about it because I want to be today.  I might cook something new for dinner tonight to keep myself entertained today.. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Procrastination Saturday

Today has been a day of procrastination... I got to sleep in this morning so I tried as hard as I could to actually sleep but I gave up at 9am.  Sleeping is getting harder to do these days.  My bed has become too uncomfortable; I threw out my memory foam top because it smelt like my husband and now the mattress is too firm for me to sleep.  The only place I can seem to get comfortable is our couch but I wake up a lot because I toss and turn.  So sleeping has become a task.
I was going to work on the nursery today and I started to but I kept getting distracted by every little thing. I always seem to find distractions when I'm overwhelmed by a task.
Check out my why..
Shoes that I need to sort and finally did about ten minutes ago

Boxes and tubs full of clothes (3m+) that I need to sort... still haven't done

Jackets that I need to hang.. still not done

90 Hangers worth of clothes that I need to reorganize.. still haven't done.
see all those onsies and sleepers on the shelf? I need to box them up because they are all 6m+ but I haven't gotten to them either..

I've been extremely blessed and can't express enough thanks to everyone who has given me stuff for Charleston.  This child will not be a child in need of anything because people have blessed her greatly.  I believe that if you bless other people's children then your own will be blessed in return and I've tried to live by that for many years even though I did not have one of my own; now I'm reaping the harvest of seed that I have sewn.  I think I have spent a total of $20 on Charle and everything else has been given to me for her;  I was given all the furniture for her room, all these clothes, and all of the organizer baskets I have in her room.  God is truly Great and no one can convince me otherwise. 
I think I'm going to tackle reorganizing the closet tomorrow and leave the boxes for Monday. Hopefully I can have this all done before my 36 week checkup this week!!! I can't believe she's almost ready to come out! 
All I can keep singing in my head is 'We Have Overcome' by Israel Houghton

Thanks be to God
Who always causes us
To triumph in His Name

Thanks be to God
Who always causes us
To win, yeah

Thanks be to God
Who always causes us
To triumph in His Name

Thanks be to God
Thanks be to God

We have overcome
Hallelujah Hallelujah
We have overcome
By the power of Your Name

Jesus You're the One
Hallelujah Hallelujah
The One who made a way
For us to triumph in Your Name

We've got the victory
Everything will be
Alright, alright

We've got the victory
Everything will be alright
Cause we're on the
Winning side

Friday, June 17, 2011

My Story

Experiences are not excuses for your actions.  I live by that belief everyday.  I do not let my actions be excused by my past and I take full responsibility for everything that I have done.  There have been times in my life that I have let my past dictate my present but when I come back to sanity, I always recognize and change.  I have recently heard some women excuse their bad choices for men by saying that some guy ‘changed’ them and they can’t help but pick bad men.  I don’t buy it at all.  Choosing a relationship partner is a conscious decision and people need to realize that no one forced them to do it.  I’m not an extremely open person so this particular blog is not the easiest for me to write but I’m going to finally share my story.  I can honestly say no one knows this full story except me because I have only shared small bits to different people.  I hope that by finally telling my story that I can be a testimony of not playing victim to situations and taking control of your life and actions.  There are many details that I will not share because I’m not ready for people to know about them and I’ll leave those for counseling. 
About this time last year, I moved away from Florence and I swore it was the last time and that I would never be back… and yet here I am a year later saying that I will never leave Florence again.  I was at a new job and madly in love with my boyfriend but I had some internal issues that I hadn’t worked out and I let them get in the way of that relationship.  Here is a quick version of what happened. I cheated. (the end)  There was mistake number 1.  Mistake number 2… I stayed with the guy who I cheated with..  I had it in my mind that I had done something so terrible and I didn’t deserve to be happy and I wasn’t happy with my choices.  I was put in a horrible situation because of my actions and ended up moving in with him because I had no where else to go at the time (3rd Mistake.)  I was scared already and allowed myself to be manipulated by him to do whatever he wanted.  Then came the abuse.. it started off small with him verbally harassing me 24/7 if I didn’t do the smallest thing his way.  So to get it to stop, I let him control me but it ended up making it worse; I became his little puppet and the verbal abuse got worse with every day.  After a couple weeks of the harassment and allowing him to control me came the alienation from my friends and family.  All while this was going on, he would tell me that he was a good man and I was lucky and he would take care of me no matter what and no one would love me as much as he did… allllllll lies.  By this time he had spent all of my money and promised to take care of my bills but he didn’t so my phone got shut off, my car insurance was cancelled (can’t drive anymore), my health insurance was cancelled and my student loans became delinquent.  To top everything off, he is a hacker and had some sort of program downloaded on to my computer so he could see every keystroke I made and my computer took screen shots every second to record what I was doing.  I was trapped, I couldn’t call any one and I couldn’t email anyone about what was going on.  All I was allowed to tell anyone is that life was good and full of roses kind of stuff.  My family HATED him and he would use that against me constantly and he wouldn’t allow me to talk to them because of it.  All that was going through my head at the time was that I had deserved this because of what I did but no one deserves to be treated the way I was treated.  By this time I started shutting down physically and emotionally; the only thing I had to look forward to everyday was seeing my kittens but he tried to control how much time I spent with them too.  Every night there was a new fight about something and one night I walked away from him because I had had enough… that’s when the physical abuse started.  He came into the living room and told me that if I didn’t go back into the bedroom that he would make me. Of course I wasn’t going to do what he wanted so he grabbed me by my wrists and dragged me back there and then slammed me against the wall and held me up by my throat.  He then got in my face and had this evil look and told me to never walk away from him again.  I thought he was going to kill me and at that point I had hoped he would.. but then my roommate came to the door and yelled that if he didn’t leave me alone she was going to call the cops.  He dropped me and went to the door and told her that I was fine and she asked me if I was ok but I just responded that I wanted to be left alone.  Later that night he said he was sorry, it would never happen again, no one could love me as much as he did, and that it was really my fault because I walked away from him and I knew that it would set him off.  I lived like this for months; I was a walking corpse, I did everything he wanted and was still abused in some form day after day.  My mom didn’t know what was going on but she knew something was wrong when I disappeared for over a month.  My grandmother tried to convince her to place a missing person’s add out for me because it wasn’t like me to not contact her everyday.  I was finally able to contact my mom at the end of October and that’s when she went on her campaign to try and get me to come back home.  He would make up lies and tell me that she just wanted to control me to convince me to stay with him.  Then on Thanksgiving I found out that I was pregnant.  I had known for about two weeks but I waited on taking a test as long as I could.  I was ashamed, scared but also relieved; I knew that this was my way out.  We had been engaged since August and ended up getting married less than a week after I took the pregnancy test.  My mom had finally come up with a plan to get me home that he agreed with and he only agreed because I was pregnant.  That first month home was hell because he was here with me.  Even though I was back with my family, he still tried to control every little thing about me.  As he noticed that he was loosing control over me, the abuse got worse.  My mom left one weekend and my sister went and stayed with her fiancĂ© leaving him and me alone at the house.  We had a fight that ended up with him choking me in the foyer of the house.  I remember seeing him pull back his fist because I was fighting back and I though he was going to punch my face so I closed my eyes but he ended up punching a whole in the wall directly above my head.  I ended up with bruises and fingerprints all over my arms but I covered them up by wearing long sleeves for the week.  When my mom got back from her trip he gave her some lie about what happened and I just refused to answer why there was a whole in the wall (I wasn’t going to lie to her and if I told the truth, he would hurt me.)  The next Sunday, he threw fresh coffee all over me so that I wouldn’t drink it.  The doctor told me that week that I could have one cup of caffeinated beverage a day and I wanted some coffee before church so I fixed a half of a cup but he didn’t want me to have it so me came in the kitchen and threw it on me.  After church my mom took me to lunch to talk to me about leaving him.  I told her I wanted to try and work things out.  When I got home, I told him that he had three weeks to get into counseling or I was kicking him out.  He told me that he would do anything because he loved me soo much but he never even tried to see a counselor.  That next Friday he had two episodes before noon and the second one was the scariest one ever.  He trapped me in my room so that I couldn’t get away from him, he slammed me against the wall and choked me several times (keep in mind that I was 15 weeks pregnant at the time), he smashed my cell phone so that I couldn’t call the cops, he finally let me out of the room but wouldn’t let me out of the house (every time I would get the door cracked I was screaming help at the top of my lungs and he would slam the door shut), he choked me against the door to the point that I blacked out and then I started to fight back.  I gave him a black eye, kneed him several times, and bit his arm so hard that I broke skin.  I finally got away from him and ran to my neighbor’s house and my neighbor calmed me down then called the cops.  By the time the cops got there, my husband was gone and all he took with him were my two laptop computers and all of my SD cards so that I couldn’t take pictures of what he did to me.  The cops put out an arrest warrant for him and I went to the courthouse to have file a restraining order against him.  The next Monday, I filed for divorce.  I haven’t seen him since and all I get from him is threatening emails.  He wants me to still live in fear of him but I’m not scared of anything he can do.  The scariest part was calling the cops because I didn’t know what he would do when I wasn’t there to semi control what happened to me.  The hardest part about leaving an abuser is leaving because there is a loss of knowing what is going to happen but I’ve just had to tell myself that he’s not worth worrying about.
I didn't write this today to play victim or to get sympathy from anyone; I want people to know that you can go through literal hell and get back up from it to live a blessed life.  I know people who have been in abusive relationships and they use that as an excuse to act a certain way but I'm living proof that you can live a normal, God-filled life after abuse.  I encourage anyone who is in an abusive relationsihp to seek help; there are women't shelters that will help keep you safe and help you get back on your feet.  Being abused is not the end of the world and you can have a new beginning.  I've got my beautiful beginning and I can't wait to give birth to her in just a few weeks.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flag Day

Today is a very special day to my family, not only is it flag day but it is my grandmother's birthday!  Her name is Elizabeth but because she was born on flag day, her nickname is Betsy like Betsy Ross.  We have this long tradition of Elizabeth's in the family and I was blessed with the name as well and we all have our own nicknames.  Mine is Lizzie and I've tried changing it to Liza but only people from SEU call me that and my family just refused to switch.  My grandmother of course is Betsy and her mother's name was Betty.  The Elizabeth's skipped my mom's generation but it is my mom's middle name.  I've added it as one of Charle's middle names (yes she has two) and I'm not sure that if I ever have another girl that I could name her Elizabeth.  We'll have to wait and see on that I guess. 
Back to Flag Day, last year I went to Philidelphia with Elliot and his family and we went to Betsy Ross' house.  It was a very special moment for me because my family has always made a big deal about plus I just love history.  I took tons of pictures while outside but we weren't allowed to take any inside the house and my husband deleted them off my computer because he was overly jealous.  It bothers me that I didn't fight back on some of those because he deleted a lot of things that I wanted to keep that had nothing to do with exboyfriends but he felt that it did.  He deleted the pictures of my first fish and my first fish that I got to clean even though there were none of Elliot in them, he just couldn't handle it. Enough about his problems.. just a taste of why I'm in the middle of an ugly divorce.
I haven't done anything special or patriotic on this flag day which is a bummer.  I did however recieve a bunch of stuff for Charle!! This past Sunday, Meridyth brought over a bunch of stuff that Emory has outgrown and I finally finished sorting all of it by size and outfits yesterday.  Then today my Pastor's wife brought over so much more; I started to go through some of it but it was too exhausting.  She gave me Emily's stroller and car seat that she said was faded but it looks brand new to me plus two tubs of clothes and three more boxes of baby stuff.  She also gave me her pack-n-play and bumpo seat.  I can't begin to touch on how God has truely blessed Charle and Me.  Everyone is asking what I need for Charle and really all I need is Diapers, Wipes, Bath towels and newborn clothes.  I have all the furniture and 3m+ clothes.  This little girl is probably not going to get the chance to wear the same thing twice with all the clothes that have been given to me for her.  All I have to say about this is God is Amazing!  And I'm not just saying that because I've been blessed, I've been blessed because I've put God first and worked on my relationship with the Lord.  I've always known that the closer I am to God, the more I will be blessed and yet there were times where I was ignorant and in those times, life was more difficult.  I never want to go through life without God ever again!  I don't always share my relationship with God to everyone but I don't see why I should hold back; I want my friends to have the blessings that I have and have the relationship that I have.  I'm a big prayer and I can tell when my spirit man needs more and lately I just can't get enough!  I love spending time with God and praying; I go to our All Church Prayer Meeting on Sunday nights but I try to make it to Monday morning prayer and Pastor's Wednesday morning prayer service everyweek too.  I've noticed such a change in my life since I was filled with the Holy Spirit when I was 12.  When I let my relationship with God and prayer life get pushed to the side, I've noticed that that's when I get depressed easily.  Like I said, I don't want to go through that again and I'm working diligently to stay on top of my relationship.
This started off as a Flag Day blog but quickly turned into how amazing God is.. I love it :)
If you are looking for a great Holy Ghost Filled Church come visit Family Worship Center this Sunday at 10:30am and 6:30pm.  Here is the link to our website:
Take a look around the website and see what we are about!

Here are some more pictures from this week of CJ

He thinks that he is the baby.. all 25lbs of him!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

8 months!!

It has been 8 long months and I’m ready to get this baby out.  People have told me that being pregnant during the summer is miserable but I didn’t think it would be this bad.  I really can’t do anything in the day except stay in the air conditioning.  I have to wait to go walking until late in the evenings and by then I’m normally too tired from the day but I need to do it so I suck it up for Charle.  My belly is getting huge or at least to me it is, most people don’t know that I’m this far along because I look about 5 months max.  I noticed today that it is getting harder than normal to bend over to pick stuff up and when I do, she squirms around after.  The exciting thing is she still moves all the time and she’s starting to get the hiccups 2-3 times a day.  Last night during Varsity, she had them for 15 min straight.  I was starting to feel bad for her; she started kicking really hard out of frustration but then right as JT was closing, the hiccups stopped.  I’m ready to see what she will look like and hopefully there is a head full of red hair!!
My mom and I went out for ice cream and then we walked around Target and the Mall so I could get my exercise in for the day.  We stopped at Gymboree because they were having their semi-annual sale and I got Charleston a cute sun hat for 99 cents

and two pair of pants that were $2.99 a piece!!

  The sun hat was originally $12.75 and the pants $26.75 a piece (what a deal!!!!!)  I love being thrifty, I very RARELY pay full price for anything.  On that note, tomorrow is Saturday which means…… YARD SALES!!!!  I saw a sign for one that starts at 6am and it looks to be a good one!  I can’t wait!  Yard sales are like Black Friday sales to me but EVERY Saturday.  I’m on the hunt for some shorts that I can wear this summer.  I have a specific type in mind and I have been pricing them around all week and the cheapest I could find was $12 but I need several pair of shorts and I’m not paying that a piece.  I have 8 pair of old navy perfect khaki shorts that I stocked up on last year when they were $5 a piece but I know for a fact that I’m never going to be a size 2 again.  I was already having to stay on top of my diet last summer to keep from having a muffin top and I know my hips and rear are way bigger (I’ve got stretch marks to prove it.)  Part of me wants to hold onto them just incase I do shrink back down but the realistic side of me says that I just need to give them away.  I wish I knew what size I’m going to be because Target has my favorite jeans on sale for $10 (normally $40.)  This brand is one of the few brands that fit me just right but I know my figure is going to be a lot different so I just have to sit back and wait to see what I will look like and then wait for the fall clearance.  I need to stop typing and finish looking up yard sales and get some sleep so I can get up early… 
Here are some cute pictures of my mom's fat cat, CJ; we discovered he was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Lovely Wednesday

Today has been one long and exhausting day.  This morning I was supposed to go to prayer but our car is in the shop and my sister had a job interview during prayer so I ended up taking a nap instead. I'm glad I did because I had no time this afternoon to even think about a nap.  My sister and I were supposed to have a sister day but my brother in law tagged along and we all ended up having a good time (the didn't bicker once!!!! -miracle). We all went out to lunch and then they took me to my doctor's appointment.  I gained 4 lbs so the concern that Charleston wasn't growing is no longer but that means I'm over 150 lbs now :( 
I'm pretty sure there are going to be people who want to slap me for that comment but even though I am pregnant, I still battle my weight daily.  I was diagnosed with multiple eating disorders when I was 13 years old and every day I still have to make the decision to not think about how many calories I consume/can burn off.  I seem to go through seasons where I care about it and then I won't care about my weight for another. Being pregnant has made me healthy again but I still get self conscious when I see recent pictures where it looks like I'm starting to get a double chin. On a positive note, I'm healthy and Charle is healthy and I plan on staying this way for her.
Back to the doctor's appointment, the doctor checked my cervix because I've been cramping lately and he said everything is perfect and that Charle is already head down (I already knew this, she has been since week 24). Then we talked about how anti-medicine I am and how that could effect my labor.  He told me just to keep an open mind but they couldn't force me to take anything I didn't want to (talking about pitocin).  I'm not a fan of hormones being put into my system that shouldn't be there but I do understand the reason that they could help.
After the doctor's we ran a bunch of errands and everywhere we went today, the air conditioning wasn't working well and being pregnant in this heat is not fun. I did get a new bathing suit for this summer! It was originally $35 but it was on sale for $19.99 (not bad!)
I finally got home to some good air conditioning and food at about 6 and I think I'm going to go take a bath and go to bed or lay down on the couch and watch the CMT Music awards..

One random thing I have to add, I've had 'Everywhere That I Go' By Israel Houghton stuck in my head all day. I listened to it 41 times this morning on my itunes and if you haven't heard it yet, you need to! Here is the Chorus:
You promise me
You'll never leave
You promise me
I'm never forsaken
And I believe
That goodness and mercy
Will follow me
Surrounding me where I go
Everywhere that I go

I hope that's as encouraging to you as it has been to me!!!

BTW I'm so over editing so if you find grammatical errors, please don't get your panties in a twist and just overlook them for me :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

What a Day!

Wow today has been a long but great day.  I'm almost too tired to talk about it but I will stick it out and give an update.  Really the past two days have been long and amazing.  Yesterday I had my usual cleaning fit in the morning and bleached some walls then I went up to Kerri's Dad's office and helped answer phones and start patients on therapy.  After all that we went out for dinner and FREE donoughts at Krispy Kreme.  About 7:30ish we finally got to start on our sugar cookie making adventure that lasted way too long but we had fun. We didn't chill the cookie dough so when we used the fishy cookie cutters, the dough fell apart and we made numerous attempts to fix it but we ended up with regular round cookies that tasted amazing for my baby shower today!  It doesn't sound like much but when I'm waking up every night around 3:30 and not falling back asleep unitl 5:30 then I get up at 6 again, I need a nap and the past two days have been napless days.
Today started off at 6am again; we had a yard sale that was somewhat successful.  Between my mom and I, we made about $40.  All the stuff was going to Goodwill anyway so any money was good money. By the time we got finished with all the yard sale stuff, we ran some errands around town and got back home about 1:15.  I still had to shower, get the nursery set up and clean up a little bit before 3.  I was in a mad panic; I get super anxious over little things but I wanted everything to be perfect.  I rushed around and cleaned up before I jumped in a cool shower to calm me down.  Once I got out, my mom had left to get the cake for my shower so my sister and I set up Charle's nursery and it turned out beautiful.  I then had just enough time to sit down and do my hair and make up before people started arriving.
Shower time!! I had a great time during the baby shower, we played a few games but most importantly, I got to spend time with some friends I haven't seen in awhile.  The point of today's shower was to spend some quality time with my friends before Charleston is born because everything is going to change soon.  Of course I got some really adorable and useful things for Charle and I'm so blessed to have such thoughtful and caring friends.  I'm still waiting on my little sister to come over; she had to work in Charleston  today and she's supposed to be on her way to Florence now.  Here are some pictures from the shower

The four peas in a pod. (our band nickname)

And the picture I have been promissing
33 weeks

Here is the finished nursery!!!

The past two days have been wonderful but I'm looking most forward to my date with my pillow soon. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Unfurnished Nursery Still..

Today was supposed to be "move in baby furniture day" but it never showed up; hopefully I will get all of her furniture tomorrow. My best friend came over to help arrange the "not here furniture" so we hung up baby clothes instead. We spent about two hours folding and hanging clothes that were given to me. We ended up only hanging up dresses and jackets and her closet is almost full; most of it is 12m-18m though. 
(70 hangers worth of clothes)

I waited all afternoon for the furniture to get here and I got nothing done. I was either going to finish getting my room in order or mop and bleach the walls in the dining room since I won’t be home on Friday but neither got done. Tomorrow is going to be hectic because I need to get both done and wait for the furniture to get here and go for my walk in the morning before it gets too muggy.  Caitlin and I went for my daily walk about 6:30 tonight and it was so stinkin humid, we felt like we were back in high school at band camp again.  From now on I’m going to have to walk first thing in the morning or go later in the evening.  I’m normally cold no matter how hot outside it is but lately my hormones have been kicking in and I have been getting warm at places that I would normally feel like an ice cube. 
I have also started swelling (yippee).  My ankles are looking fat, they actually look like normal people’s ankles but mine are so boney that when they are swollen they don’t really look it. I guess I should just consider that a blessing.  I am in the final countdown (cue music); I only have 4 weeks left until I am considered full term and I have 7 weeks left until my due date.  Caitlin reminded me that she’s leaving the country the day after my due date so Charleston better not be a late baby.  I have a feeling she’s going to be here a little bit early but no one ever really knows.  I do know that I’m not holding her in for my best friend to get back in the country so she better be here on time.  In all seriousness, it doesn’t matter but I would like her to be here when I have my first child.  If the furniture gets here tomorrow, I will get pictures of the finished nursery up :).